

GAN-Ting-Xu (2025.03.05)
Yoshio Machida

At an event of Taiwanese artist GAN-Ting-Xu(Jimi Wen), Machida will play Synthi.

Time/Date: 19:00-, 24 Mar, 2025
Venue: Neort++
Artist: GAN-Ting-Xu, Cal Lyall, Christophe Charles, Yoshio Machida
Charge: Free
Info: Tokyo Gig Guide

Documentary Music (2025.02.19)
Documentary MusicShinro Ohtake

Machida's solo album "Documentary Music" is released. Including 12 page text booklet written by Machida titled "The Essence of Art." A collection of soundtracks for documentary programs on artists such as "Shinro Ohtake," "Tanizaki Junichiro," and "Maruyama Okyo," produced by NHK from 2020 to 2023.

NHK TV program soundtracks
- Tanizaki Junichiro on Japanese Aesthetics - In Praise of Shadows (2020)
- A Bug in the System: Artist Ohtake Shinro (2022)
- Artist Ohtake Shinro “My Art My Memory”(2022)
- Maruyama Okyo, The temple of miracle (2023)

Documentary Music
Info: Amorfon / Digital streaming

Music from the SYNTHI #2 (2024.12.18)

Machida's solo album "Music from the SYNTHI #2" is released. Including 16 page booklet with text and Synhi photos.

Music from the SYNTHI #2
Info: Amorfon

The Wanderer (2024.12.18)

I made a soundtrack for Biljana Isijanin and Sandra Kotevska's exhibition "The Wanderer" in Skopje, North Macedonia.

Place: National Gallery of Macedonia – Multimedia Centre "Mala Stanica"
Info: Multimedia Centre "Mala Stanica"

Albedo Fantastica Presents (2024.06.22)

Osoyoos (Cal Lyall + Yoshio Machida) will play at hikari no uma.

Time/Date: 19:30-, 7 Sep, 2024
Venue: hikari no uma

Albedo Gravitas
keiko higuchi (p, dr, vo)/ Sachiko (vo, electronics, etc)/ shizuo uchida (4 strings)
Cal Lyall (gt)/ Yoshio Machida (steelpans)

Charge: 2,500yen- (+1D order)
Info: hikari no uma

Osoyoos / Satellite Rides, Night Lies (2023.12.25)

New Album of Osoyoos (Cal Lyall + Yoshio Machida) is released as cassette from VLZ Produkt.

Osoyoos [Satellite Rides, Night Lies]
Info: VLZ Produkt

Osoyoos Release Event (2023.11.10)

New Album of Osoyoos (Cal Lyall + Yoshio Machida) will be released. The release event will be held.

Osoyoos [Satellite Rides, Night Lies]
New Cassette Tape Release Event

Time/Date: 19:00-, 3 Dec, 2023
Artist: Osoyoos, HIROYUKI, Keiko Higuchi+TOMO
Drop liquid painting: Yutsuki Suyama
DJ: Atsushi Reizen
Charge: Donation 2,000yen- + 500yen(1D)
Info: Soup

Apollo (2023.08.18)
Jason Kolàrsteelpan

At live show of a Spanish sound artist Cristian Subirá aka Jason Kolàr, Machida will play steelpan.

Time/Date: 19:00-, 16 Sep, 2023
Artist: Jason Kolàr, Yoshio Machida
Charge: Donation 1,000yen- + 800yen(1D)
Info: Apollo

Narativ Cards & Narativ (2023.08.11)
Narativ Cards

Machida’s creative card "Narativ Cards" (in Japanese) is published. It’s a card deck that helps you get inspired and have fun. App version "Narativ" (iOS / Android, billingual) is also available. When you're stuck for ideas, you can refer to 40 hints to develop your ideas. Based on general tarot, which is a collection of the wisdom of our ancestors, it is incorporated ideas from narrative therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy and quantum mechanics, reinterpreting the meanings to fit modern situations and making them more intuitive to use.

[card version]
distribution: Visionary Company
Price: 3,300yen (+ tax)
Info: Narativ Cards

[application version]
■iOS: Narativ
■Android: Narativ

Exit Strategy Vol.2 (2023.07.15)
ochiai soupochiai soup

Machida will play Synthi AKS.

Time/Date: 19:00-, 30 Jul, 2023
Artist: Akira Sakata + Mitsuhisa Sakaguchi + Cal Lyall + Joe Talia, Carl Stone + Yumiko Tanaka, Shizuo Uchida + Yoshio Machida
Charge: 2,500yen (1D)
Info: Ochiai Soup

Hotasho GW Festival 2023 (2023.04.15)
ohkyo maruyama

Machida will play steelpan at a cultural center in Chiba (former elementary school).

Time/Date: 13:00-, 7 May, 2023
Info: Hota Elementary School

Ohkyo Maruyama TV documentary (2023.03.11)
ohkyo maruyama

Machida made soundtrack for NHK TV documentary "Ohkyo Maruyama, The temple of miracle".

On air: 20:00-21:00, 12 March, 2023
Info: NHK BS8K

HALHIGAN (2023.03.09)

Ohanami (Yoshio Machida + Tatsuhisa Yamamoto) will play for a Halhigan festival at a temple, Ryodenji.

Date: 21 March, 2023
Time: 11:00-16:00 (Ohanami will play at 14:20.)
Info: Ryodenji, Tokyo

Shinro Ohtake (2023.01.05)

NHK TV program "A Painter Ohtake Shinro, 21st Century Bug Man" that Machida made the soundtrack is now palyed at The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo.

1 Nov, 2022 - 5 Feb. 2023
Info: The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo

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