YOSHIO MACHIDA: news in 2013

Posted DEC. 7, 2013
Machida will play steelpans with Giovanni di Domenico (from Belgium) and Tatsuhisa Yamamoto.
Date: 11 Wed, Dec 2013
Time: 20:00 -
Place: The Foxhole, Kichijoji, Tokyo
Artists: Giovanni di Domenico (key), Tatsuhisa Yamamoto(ds, electronics), Yoshio Machida(steelpan)
Charge: 2,000yen (+ order)
INFO: The Foxhole

Posted NOV. 2, 2013
Machida will play steelpans on the sightseeing boat "Jicoo".
Date: 13 Fri, Nov 2013
Time: 20:00 -
Place: Jicoo (boat), Odaiba, Tokyo
Artists: Yoshio Machida (steelpans)
Charge: 2,500yen (+D)
INFO: Jicoo

U (utsuwa)
Posted NOV. 2, 2013
Yoshiyuki Ichiraku, Kazuya Matsumoto and Yoshio Machida will play with a theme "utsuwa". They will play more than 100 kinds of dish, pot, glass, oil can, instruments, etc. "utsuwa" means vessel. In Japanese, "musical instrument" is Gakki.
Literal translation is "joy(or sound) + vessel". It means that there is sounds in instruments, then musicians take out the sound. This "utsuwa" is used for everything, as thing can be put something.
Date: 6 Fri, Nov 2013
Time: 20:00 -
Place: The Foxhole, Kichijoji, Tokyo
Artists: Yoshiyuki Ichiraku, Kazuya Matsumoto, Yoshio Machida
Charge: adv1,500yen / door2,000yen
INFO: The Foxhole

COINN x Ohanami
Posted NOV. 2, 2013
Ohanami, duo of Tastuhisa Yamamoto(Dr, Perc) and Yoshio Machida(Steelpan, electronics) will play at 440.
Date: 24 Sun, Nov 2013
Time: 19:00-22:00
Place: 440, Shimokitazawa, Tokyo
Artists: COINN, Ohanami (Tatsuhisa Yamamoto + Yoshio Machida)
Charge: adv3,000yen / door3,500yen
INFO: 440

Russia - Germany tour, Cyberfest 2013
Posted NOV. 2, 2013
Machida will participate to a multimedia festival "Cyberfest 2013" in Berlin. Machida will play EMS SYNTHI AKS with a theme "repetition and phase". Also he will play "The Spirit of Beauty" by SYNTHI and Guitaret (a 60s' electric instrument) in Moscow.
Date: 9 Sat, Nov 2013
Time: 22:00-02:00
Place: Oldich, Moscow
Artists: Yoshio Machida (EMS SYNTHI AKS, Guitaret)
DJ: Vlad Dobrovolski (aka Fitz Ellarald)
Charge: free
INFO: Oldich
Date: 10 Sun, Nov 2013
Time: 21:00-23:00
Place: Mitenov Studio, Moscow
Artists: Vlad Dobrovolski (syn), Vasiliy Stepanov (syn, tape), Anton Ponomarev (sax), Yoshio Machida (SYNTHI, guitaret)
Charge: free
INFO: Mitenov Studio
Date: 15 Fri, Nov 2013
Time: 19:00-24:00
Artists: Kurvenschreiber, Yoshio Machida, Ame Zek, KETEV (Yair Elazar Glotman), Dmitry, ::vtol::, Morozov
Charge: free
INFO: Cyberfest2013 Sound Performance

Kitanaka Music Festival "Town Beat x Sound Street"
Posted OCT. 14, 2013
Machida will play Steelpans with orchestra and some musicians on the street. Based on a piece "Bridge" composed by Tomoaki Saito, each musicians will arrage it and play improvisations at different places on the street.
Date: 3 Sun, Nov 2013
Time: 13:00-17:00
Place: Koenji Kitanaka Street, Tokyo
Artists: Suginami Gakuin Orchestra, Yoshio Machida, Yuji Miyano, Takeo Touyama, Koji Mori, Tomoaki Saito (Composition)
Charge: free
INFO: Kitanaka Music Festival "Town Beat x Sound Street"

EMS SYnthi AKS works
Posted OCT. 2, 2013
Machida's new mini vinyl album was released from CYLAND AUDIO ARCHIVE in Russia. It was made by only EMS Synthi AKS, an old analog patch synthesizer. It is focued on repetition and phase produced by the function of Synthi. The vinyl is special 7.5inch polycarbonate squares vinyl.
1.Synthi No.34 03:19
2.Synthi No.35 03:11
3.Synthi No.36 02:20

Ark Hills Music Week 2013
Posted OCT. 2, 2013
Machida will play with an American composer Andy Akiho and a dancer Toru Iwashita (Sankaijyuku), using 4 channel surround system.
Date: 12 Sat, Oct 2013
Time: 15:00-
Place: Ark Hills Roppongi, Tokyo
Artists: Andy Akiho, Yoshio Machida, etc.
Dancer: Toru Iwashita (Sankaijyuku)
Charge: free
INFO: Ark Hills Music Week 2013

Mushi-kiki no kai 2013
Posted SEP. 6, 2013
Machida will play at Mushi-kiki no kai 2013. It's an event by sound of Japanese cricket and musicians at a shrine in Tokyo.
Date: 23 Mon, Sep 2013
Time: 17:30-20:00
Place: Konno Hachimangu, Tokyo
Artists: Christophe Charles, Sawako, Takashi Tsuda, Kazuya matsumoto, Marcos Fernandes, Tetsuro Konishi, Yoshio Machida, Hiroki Chiba, Yayoi Yula
Flower Installation: Yuichi Tsukada
Charge: adv2,000yen / door2,500yen
Reservation: info@kare-san-sui.com
INFO: Karesansui Surrounding

TOSHIBA dynabook presents Jazz Today
Posted AUG. 6, 2013
From 14th August to 11th September, there is a radio feature program of Yoshio Machida on internet radio program "TOSHIBA dynabook presents Jazz Today" of JJazz.Net.
INFO: TOSHIBA dynabook presents Jazz Today

Schule im Berg 2013
Posted JUL. 2, 2013
Machida will play at a festival, Schule im Berg 2013.
Date: 9 Tue, Jul 2013
Time: start 19:00-
Place: Art Biotop Nasu, Nasu, Tochigi
Artists: Yoshio Machida
Charge: Free
INFO: Schule im Berg 2013

Test Tone Vol. 94
Posted JUL. 2, 2013
Machida will play with Cal Lyall at Super Deluxe.
Date: 9 Tue, Jul 2013
Time: start 20:00
Place: Super Deluxe, Tokyo
Artists: Christophe Charles + Samuel Dunscombe (from Australia), Makoto Oshiro + Kodai Kawaguchi + Satoshi Yashiro, Cal Lyall + Yoshio Machida
Charge: Free
INFO: Test Tone

Yanaka Ongakushitsu Vol.2
Posted MAY. 24, 2013
Machida will play with Taro Ishida at nice alternative space, Hagiso.
Date: 19 Fri, Jul 2013
Time: start 19:30
Place: Hagiso, Yanaka, Tokyo
Artists: Pardon Kimura(modular synth) + Akiyasu Tsuboguchi(modular synth, key), Yoshio Machida(steelpan, ds, electronics) + Taro Ishida(electronics)
Charge: adv2,800yen / door3,200yen
Reservation: Taro Ishida info@taroishida.com

Posted MAY. 24, 2013
Machida will play with Yoshiyuki Ichidaku(ds, perc) and Kazuya Matsumoto(perc).
Date: 24 Mon, Jun 2013
Time: start 19:00
Place: three, Shimokitazawa, Tokyo
Artists: Yoshiyuki Ichidaku(ds, perc) + Kazuya Matsumoto(perc) + Yoshio Machida(steelpan, key), Akihiko Ando + Michiko Minakata + Kouzo Komori, Atsuko Hatano + Mugenseisanrei + ?
Charge: adv2,000yen / door2,500yen
INFO: three

Baby Rap : Voice Performance by Babies
Posted APR. 26, 2013
From Machida's label, Amorfon, Baby Rap : Voice Performance by Babies will be released in May. It's acompilation album of only voice performance by 14 babies. Text is by Yoshimi (Boredoms, OOIOO).
INFO: Amorfon

Ohanami's 2nd album "Agapanthus"
Posted APR. 26, 2013
Ohanami, duo of Tastuhisa Yamamoto(Dr, Perc) and Yoshio Machida(Steelpan, electronics) will play at Super Deluxe. It's the album release party for their 2nd album "Agapanthus" from Wonderyou.
Date: 17 Fri, May 2013
Time: start 19:30
Place: Super Deluxe, Roppongi, Tokyo
Artists: Ohanami (Tastuhisa Yamamoto + Yoshio Machida), SPLEEN (Samuel Rouanet + Giovanni Verga) with Ryusaku Ikezawa(Dr), Azusa Yamada (Vib), Ryota Mikami
Charge: adv2,000yen / door2,300yen
INFO: Super Deluxe

Ohanami's 2nd album "Agapanthus"
Posted APR. 26, 2013
Ohanami, duo of Tastuhisa Yamamoto(Dr, Perc) and Yoshio Machida(Steelpan, electronics) will release their 2nd album "Agapanthus" from Wonderyou in May.
01 A Nebulous Vase
02 Kizakura
03 Oiran Parade
04 Honey Pie
05 Huashan
06 Yozakura
07 Recommender Plays The Daffodil
08 Propolis
09 No Agapanthus
10 Hibiscus
INFO: Wonderyou

Posted MAR. 20, 2013
Yoshio Machida will play steelpan with Tastuhisa Yamamoto(Dr) and Hiroki Chiba(B).
Date: 5 Wed, Jun 2013
Time: start 19:30
Place: Powers 2, Motosumiyoshi, Tokyo
Artists: Tastuhisa Yamamoto(Dr), Hiroki Chiba(B), Yoshio Machida(Steelpan, electronics)
Charge: TBA
INFO: Powers 2

Overtone Universe Live
Posted MAR. 20, 2013
Overtone Universe (Gamelean, Crotale, Steelpan) that Machida formed will play at Amrita.
[overtone universe]
Metal instruments, it might came from space....
Metal instruments have special overtones in them. Since ancient times, this effect of the overtone by purcussion like gong have been used for ceremony. "overtone universe" is an event that 3 musicians will play minimal improvisation by only metal instruments like Gamelean, steelpan, crotale and some metal percussions. Neither organized tone nor noise, let you explore with special tone in between.
[Introduction about the musicians]
Kohei Kawamura (Gamelean)
Gamelean player, shadowgrapher. The leader of TAIKUH JIKANG. Gamelean team Urotsutenoyako member, play with OLAibi, Asazaki Ikue x Yoshida Daikiti, Alayavijana, etc.
Tatsuhisa Yamamoto (Crotale, metal perc.)
Drumer of Jim O'rourke band, Natsumen, Ohanami (with Yoshio Machida). Play with Muneomi Senju, Eiko Ishibashi, Phew, etc.
Yoshio Machida (Steelpan, electronics)
Steelpan player, composer. Found experimental music label Amorfon. Play in alternative Dub band "miimo" and poly-rhythm Jazz "Ohanami".
Date: 20 Mon, May 2013
Time: start 19:30- and 20:20-
Place: Amrita, Kichijoji, Tokyo
Artists: Overtone Universe (Koheisai Kawamura, Tatsuhisa Yamamoto, Yoshio Machida)
Charge: donation
INFO: Amrita, MAP

Posted MAR. 20, 2013
Yoshio Machida will play steelpan with Yoshiyuki Ichiraku(Dr) and Masatsugu Hattori(Dr).
Date: 19 Fri, Apr 2013
Time: start 20:00
Place: The Foxhole, Kichijoji, Tokyo
Artists: Yoshiyuki Ichiraku(Dr), Masatsugu Hattori(Dr), Yoshio Machida(Steelpan, electronics)
Charge: 1,500yen
INFO: The Foxhole

Posted FEB. 4, 2013
Yoshio Machida will play steelpan at an event COLLABORATION BREAKDOWN sessions Vol.2.
Date: 3 Sun, Mar 2013
Time: start 17:00
Place: Club Goodman, Akihabara, Tokyo
Artists: Dora Video, Atsuhiro Ito, Atsuko Hatano, Tatsuhisa Yamamoto, Yoshiyuki Ichiraku, Eyyo, Mitsuru Nasuno, Yoshio Machida, Daisuke Takaoka, Akira Sotoyama, Masaya Kojima, etc.
Charge: adv2,500yen / door2,800yen
INFO: Club Goodman

Test Tone Vol.89: Awash in the Min Min Light
Posted JAN. 17, 2013
Yoshio Machida will play steelpan with Australian musicians Perter Knight(Tp) and Andrew Brooks(Sax) at Test Tone Vol.89.
Date: 12 Tue, Feb 2013
Time: start 20:00
Place: Super Deluxe, Roppongi, Tokyo
Artists: Peter Knight (Tp) + Andrew Brooks(Sax) + Yoshio Machida (steelpan), Cycle~ 440 (Sam Gillies: piano, Kevin Penkin: laptop), Kynan Tan (from Australia)
Charge: free
INFO: Super Deluxe, Test Tone

Overtone Universe Live
Posted JAN. 17, 2012
Overtone Universe (Gamelean, Crotale, Steelpan) that Machida formed will play at Velvet Sun.
[overtone universe]
Metal instruments, it might came from space....
Metal instruments have special overtones in them. Since ancient times, this effect of the overtone by purcussion like gong have been used for ceremony. "overtone universe" is an event that 3 musicians will play minimal improvisation by only metal instruments like Gamelean, steelpan, crotale and some metal percussions. Neither organized tone nor noise, let you explore with special tone in between.
[Introduction about the musicians]
Kohei Kawamura (Gamelean)
Gamelean player, shadowgrapher. The leader of TAIKUH JIKANG. Gamelean team Urotsutenoyako member, play with OLAibi, Asazaki Ikue x Yoshida Daikiti, Alayavijana, etc.
Tatsuhisa Yamamoto (Crotale, metal perc.)
Drumer of Jim O'rourke band, Natsumen, Ohanami (with Yoshio Machida). Play with Muneomi Senju, Eiko Ishibashi, Phew, etc.
Yoshio Machida (Steelpan, electronics)
Steelpan player, composer. Found experimental music label Amorfon. Play in alternative Dub band "miimo" and poly-rhythm Jazz "Ohanami".
Date: 7 Thu, Feb 2013
Time: start 20:00
Place: Velvet Sun, Ogikubo, Tokyo
Artists: Overtone Universe (Koheisai Kawamura, Tatsuhisa Yamamoto, Yoshio Machida), Stand Alone-404
Charge: 2,500yen
INFO: Velvet Sun

Steelpan Solo Live
Posted DEC. 12, 2012
Yoshio Machida will play steelpan at Amrita.
Date: 31 Thu, Jan 2013
Time: 19:30 / 20:20 (2 times)
Place: Amrita, Kichijoji, Tokyo
Artists: Yoshio Machida (steelpan, vintage steelpan)
Charge: donation
INFO: Amrita, MAP